1987, Texas; U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth, Sixth and Eleventh Circuits; U.S. District Court, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Districts of Texas
Law School
University of Texas at Austin, J.D., 1987
Law School Graduation Year
University of Texas at Austin, B.A., with honors, 1984
Houston and American (Member: Products Liability and Bad Faith of the Insurance Coverage Section; Subcommittee) Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas (Member, Committee on Mentoring; Chair, Reinsurance Insurance Section; Director, Insurance Section); Bar Association of the Fifth Federal Circuit; Houston Young Lawyers Association; Texas Association of Defense Counsel; Defense Research Institute, Inc.
Phi Alpha Theta; Golden Key. President, Texas Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, 1986-1987. Co-Author: New Property Attributes in Electronic Information, Computer & Information Technology Institute, 1990; Litigation in Bankruptcy Cases: Techniques of Discovery, 1994. Author and Lecturer: Bad Faith Litigation Update, Advanced Civil Litigation Course, University of Houston Law Foundation, 1996-1997; Reservation of Rights in Texas, University of Houston Law Foundation Insurance Seminar, 1998-2002; The Duty to Defend in Texas, Texas Insurance Law Symposium, South Texas College of Law, 1998; Missing Pieces: The Trigger and Allocation Puzzle in Texas, Fourth Annual Insurance Law Institute, University of Texas School of Law; Legal Audits and Fee Controls, Texas Insurance Law Symposia, South Texas College of Law, 1999; Audits of Law Firm Bills: The Issues Inside and Out, The Insurance Litigation Reporter, July 1999; Covenant Litigation: Simultaneous Underlying Coverage and Disputes, Fifth Annual Insurance Law Institute, The University of Texas School of Law, 2000; Insurance Coverage Issues for the Oil & Gas Industry, Strategic Research Institute, 2000; Liability Coverage: The Rubic's Cube of Allocation and Reimbursement, Texas Insurance Law Symposium, South Texas College of Law, 2000. Columnist, Insurance Journal, 2002.