1985, Massachusetts
Law School
Harvard Law School, J.D., 1984
Law School Graduation Year
Duke University, B.A., 1966; University of Texas, M.A., 1969; Brandeis University, Ph.D., 1975; Univ
Boston and Massachusetts Bar Associations.
Author: Discovering the Public Interest: A History of the Boston Bar Association, 1993; The Transformation of the Law of Poverty in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts, Law in Colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1800, 1984; The Caprice of Juries, 24 American Journal of Leg. His. 307, 1980; The Sweat Case and the Development of Legal Education For Negroes in Texas, 47 Texas Law Review, 677, 1969. Instructor in Law and History, Tufts University, 1975-1981; Brandeis University, 1986.