George R. Riggs, Jr.

George R. Riggs, Jr.

18 Montsalas Drive
Monterey, California 93940


Arbitration, Contract, FLSA, Labor, Sexual Harassment

George Riggs, Jr. is a labor grievance arbitrator based in the city of Monterey, California. He first joined California State Mediation and Conciliation as a part-time independent arbitrator in 1987 and rejoined the agency to launch this professional practice as an independent full-time labor grievance arbitrator in 2011.

Additionally, Riggs is impaneled as Arbitrator with the National Mediation Board and the LA City Public Employee Relations Board. He is also included as a factfinder with the PERB Office of General Counsel in Sacramento, California.

George Riggs’ professional practice as a labor grievance arbitrator is exclusively available to unions and employers (both public and private) for arbitration hearings, factfinding, and grievance mediation. He has been fortunate to serve as first-chair negotiator for over fifty collective bargaining negotiations and closed several hundred grievance adjustment meetings.

The Mission

Every labor contract and, every labor dispute has unique dimensions and the picture is sometimes complicated. The parties are provided the venue to argue their respective cases and to submit supportive evidence in the form of witnesses and documentation. An experienced arbitrator is able to weight the evidence appropriately and render a decision within the context of the existing labor contract.

Primarily the parties seek a forum in which their respective arguments are fully heard and understood, and the evidence supporting their respective positions is held in high regard. This arbitration service is delivered with respect for the time and effort of the parties in building and presenting their case with witnesses and evidence submissions.

Riggs provides arbitration-mediation service to the labor relations community that emphasizes mutual trust and respect between the parties. That is the mission of this firm. All services are transparent but confidential. An arbitrator-mediator has an important responsibility to look beyond the instant dispute and consider the future relationship of the parties.

Grievance Mediation

By using the the evaluative approach to resolving conflict, the Mediator evaluates and helps the parties analyze the strengths and the weaknesses of their respective position to help them calculate the likely risks and benefits of proceeding onward to prepare, and fund the cost of a formal arbitration hearing.


An option for parties to consider is Grievance Mediation.


This is a worthwhile option to the cost of a formal Arbitration proceeding .

Grievance Mediation is a Dispute resolution process where the parties agree to meet with a mutually selected neutral, third party to help the parties reach settlement.


Using the Evaluative Mediation method, the mediator evaluates the evidence, the facts and circumstances giving rise to the disagreement and the merits of the the respective arguments.

One objective of Grievance Mediation is to preserve the relationship of the parties. Another goal is for the parties to reach a final and binding settlement of the grievance.

During settlement discussions, each party is advised of the merits of their weaknesses and strengths of evidence; while the Mediator presents the parties with options to consider adopting for Settlement.

The Mediated Grievance Settlement is in the form of a Final Grievance Mediation Report. The settlement is Final and Binding.

The Fee for initial consultation is $500.00 and resolution discission sessions are billed $100.00 per hour.

How I Manage the Business

I am available to serve as an arbitrator and as a mediator. As an arbitrator, I will hear evidence and issue a written decision which is final and binding, using the current collective bargaining agreement. You are invited to study the website and you will learn more about my practice and my approach to matters of arbitration. I listen closely to the representatives of the parties, and study their respective arguments and evaluate the evidence, and issue a binding decision based on the merits of the case.

George Robert Riggs, Jr.


Monterey, Ca. 93940



ZOOM: Arbitrator George R. Riggs Jr.