2001, South Carolina
Law School
University of North Carolina, J.D., 2001
Law School Graduation Year
Davidson College, B.A., History, 1996
Recipient: Gressman-Pollit Award for Oral Advocacy; Certificate of Merit for Civil Procedure. Articles and Notes Editor, North Carolina Banking Institute Journal, 2000-2001. Co-Author: South Carolina Chapter, The Product Liability Desk Reference, Morton F. Daller, ed. Aspen Law & Business, 2002 edition. Author: Restoring Joy to Bracketville: Problems Facing College Basketball Stimulate Responses from the NCAA and the Newly Formed Student Basketball Council, 8 Sports Law J. 125 (2001); Neder v. United States: Materiality in Bank Fraud Prosecutions, 4 N.C. Banking Inst. 655 (2000).