John Dewey Watson

Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701


Aviation, Civil, Commercial, Construction, Contract, Franchise, Insurance, Legal Malpractice, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury

Dewey Watson practiced law for thirty-nine years with Arkansas’ largest firm, Friday, Eldredge & Clark, as a trial lawyer.  Currently, he is a full-time mediator with ADR, Inc.  Throughout his career as a trial lawyer, he tried a wide variety of cases before juries, judges, and arbitrators throughout the State of Arkansas.  He is a bronze star recipient for service in Vietnam and a retired Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. 

Since 1990, Dewey has had extensive training as a mediator and has mediated cases concerning medical malpractice, automobile accidents, premises liability, property disputes, commercial construction, residential construction, franchise rights, and domestic relations.  Dewey is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes through principled negotiation.  If negotiation fails, he believes that arbitration is a fair, confidential, speedy, and economical forum for final resolution of disputes.


J.D., University of Arkansas School of Law, 1970

B.S. in Political Science, Ouachita Baptist College, 1963


Mediator, ADR, Inc., 2010- Present

Hearing Officer, Contractors Licensing Board, 1990- Present

Smith, Williams, Friday & Bowen (now Friday, Eldredge & Clark) 1971-2010

Law Clerk, Associate Justice Lyle Brown on the Arkansas Supreme Court, 1970 to 1971

United States Marine Corps Reserve, 1967-1992, Colonel

United States Marine Corps, 1963-1967, Captain

Mediation/Arbitration Training

American Arbitration Association Construction Ind. Mediator Training, 18 hours.

American Arbitration Association  Advanced Construction Ind. Mediator Training, 12.75 hours.

American Arbitration Association  Comprehensive Skill Building, 12 hours.

Professional Affiliations

Member, Arkansas Bar Association, 1970 - Present                         

Awarded the Continuing Legal Education Award for Outstanding Contributions                         

Organized construction law section of the Arkansas Bar Association                          

Awarded the Presidential Award of Excellence

Contributing Author to Legal Texts:                        

State-By-State Analysis of Legal Issues Affecting Architects, Engineering,  Contractors, and Owners, Aspen Law & Business, 2006                      

State-By-State Guide to Architect, engineer and Contractor Licensing, Aspen Law &  Business, 1999 with annual updated supplements

Fifty State Monograph on the Enforceability of “No Damages for Delay Clauses”, American Bar Association, 1998

 Member, Pulaski County Bar Association, 1970 - Present                         

 Recipient of President’s Award

1501 North University Avenue

Suite 630

Little Rock, Arkansas 72207

Phone: 501-804-4131 D

Phone: 501-376-2121 O

Fax:     501-376-2122
