Jon H. Kingsepp

Government, Mediation
The Pinehurst Office Center, Suite 101, 39400 Woodward Avenue
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 483045151



1968, Michigan, U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth and Third Circuits; U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York and U.S District of New Jersey, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Ohio, U.S. District Court, Eastern and Wes

Law School

Wayne State University, J.D., cum laude, 1968

Law School Graduation Year



St. Lawrence University, B.A., 1962


Oakland County (President, 1987-1988) and American (Member, Torts and Insurance Practice Section; Vice-Chair, Business Torts Committee) Bar Associations; State Bar of Michigan (Council Member and Chair, Senior Lawyers Section, 2002-2003; Council Member and Chairperson, ADR Section, 2002-2003; Member, Public Corporation Section; Litigation Section); Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators and Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys.


Member, Board of Trustees, Michigan State Bar Foundation, 1999—. President, Oakland Bar Adams Pratt Foundation, 1984-1986. President, Dispute Resolution Center, 1988-1990. Co-Author: RICO's Application to 'Organized' Commercial Fraud, TIPS Committee News, Spring 1997; Recent Developments in Commercial Tort Law, ABA Tort and Insurance Law Journal, Winter, 1995; Commercial Dispute Resolution: New Horizons, Business Law Journal, Summer 2002.
