Joseph DePaola

Joseph DePaola Esq.
Divorce, Mediation
New Haven, Connecticut 06501


Conflict, Divorce, Divorce Modification and Enforcement, Family, LGBT, Same Sex Disputes

Attorney Joseph E. DePaola

For more than thirty years, I have been providing quality legal services and advice to businesses and individuals throughout the New Haven Area. I can help you navigate the legal system and set you on the right path to resolving your legal issues.

Legal Background

•Admitted to CT Bar May 4, 1976 •Admitted to Practice in the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Tribal Nation Courts •Member of New Haven County Bar Association •Member of Federal District Court for CT

I will always act on your behalf. My aggressive posture and competent no-nonsense approach to litigation and mediation has developed a well respected practice and earned loyal & satisfied clients.

Certified and Trained

I am a Trained and Certified Collaborative Divorce Lawyer as well as a Divorce Mediator. This combination of certification and training allows me the unique ability to professionally handle all your family needs.

Family Law -The practice of Family Law involves the most difficult and emotional decisions that people make. My extensive experience will help you manage the process.

I will negotiate & settle Child Custody, Support and Visitation, Alimony and Spousal Support.  

Personal Injury -Whenever someone is injured it effects not only their lives, but many others. I will diligently work your case, from start to settlement. I want and get the compensation you deserve.  

Wills & Probate -Estate Planning helps us achieve our personal and family goals even after we are gone. Proper estate planning will ensure your wishes will be carried out, can significantly reduce the taxes paid, provide for quick, smooth estate settlements and your piece of mind.  

Real Estate -Buying a home is the largest purchase most of us will make in our lives. It is vital that both buyers


I act as both advocate and advisor based on my client's situation. As an advocate, I will always represent you interests in civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing for your position. As an advisor, I will counsel you about your legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters.

Family Law & Divorce Litigation / Mediation / Collaborative

The practice of Family involves some the most difficult decisions that people make. 

I am a Trained and Certified Mediator & Collaborative Divorce Attorney .

My extensive experience includes:

• Divorce Litigation •Divorce Mediation

• Child Custody, Support, Visitation & Relocation

•Restraining Orders, Modification of Orders

• Alimony and Spousal Support •Premarital Agreements

•Civil Union Dissolution •Legal Separation

•Division of Assets


97 Washington Avenue  Second Floor  North Haven, CT 06473

Access: Ample free parking & easy on/off Interstate 91 and Route 15 (Wilbur Cross Parkway).

Office: 203.612-5666 Fax: 203.234.8042

Email Address: