Leslie M. Carlet

Skilled Mediation Inc.

Boca Raton, Florida 33498


Business, Child Custody, Contract, Co-Parenting, Divorce, Employee Benefit Plans, Employment, Family, HOA, Insurance, Labor, Pro Se Divorce, Wage and Hour, Workplace, Wrongful Termination

Leslie M. Carlet, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Florida Supreme Court Certified County Family & Circuit Civil Mediator

Leslie’s goal as a mediator is to help everyone involved find creative, flexible solutions they can live with. Skilled at seeing all sides of a conflict, Leslie understands that she is meeting her clients during a difficult time in their lives, and she strives to create a non-judgmental environment in which all participants can feel calm and comfortable. 

As a long-time business owner, human resources professional, and employee benefits expert, Leslie has over 40 years of experience in navigating business-related disputes and mediating agreements in real-life settings. Her clients also benefit from her practical, in-depth understanding of employment law and insurance benefits.

Leslie’s areas of focus are business and insurance mediation, employment mediation, and family mediation.

Leslie has served on the board of The Girl Scouts of Broward County, the YMCA of South Palm Beach County’s Boca Raton location, the board of Jeff Industries, and the board of the Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management (GMSHRM).  Most recently she chaired the Togetherhood Committee of the YMCA in Boca Raton. 

Leslie is also an active volunteer in the 15th Circuit doing Evictions and Small Claims.  

She is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and SHRM-SCP and holds a Florida State Health and Life Insurance License. 

Leslie graduated from the University of Delaware with a BA degree in psychology.

602 S.W. Mandiba Drive
Lake City, FL 32024

P: 561-706-7001
F: 561-431-0760
E: leslie@skilledmediation.com