Michael H. Zischke

Environmental, Mediation
425 Market Street
San Francisco, California 941052482



1982, California

Law School

Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, J.D., 1982

Law School Graduation Year



Dartmouth College, B.A., magna cum laude, 1977


Bar Association of San Francisco; State Bar of California (Environmental Law Section, Executive Committee, 1996-1999; Chair, Education Committee, 1998-1999; Real Property Section, Co-Chair, Zoning and Land Use Sub-Section, 1993-1996); American Bar Association.


Articles Editor, Ecology Law Quarterly, 1981-1982. Author: Practice Under the California Environmental Quality Act, California Continuing Education of the Bar (1993, supplemented annually); Land Use Initiatives and Referenda in California, Solano Press (1990); California Subdivision Map Act Practice, Annual Supplements, CEB (1987-1992); Co-Author: Environmental Mitigation and Regulatory Takings After Ehrlich v. City of Culver City, Environmental Law News, Winter 1996; Author: Appellate Court Upholds Use Permit and Mitigated Negative Declaration for San and Gravel Project, The Transfer Point, February 1996; Impact Here of Supreme Court Ruling on Endangered Species, California Building Industry Association, Third Quarter 1995; Limited to the Record, The Recorder (March 1995); Modest Reform but New Pitfalls, Western City (December 1994); In With a Roar, Out With a Meow: A Review of the Legislative and Other Developments in the California Environmental Quality Act in 1993, California Real Property Journal, (Winter 1994); CEQA Legislation & Guidelines Update, The Bay Echo (November 1994); The U.S. Supreme Court's Dolan Decision: Implications for Development Impact Mitigation, MBA StateLines (September 1994); The U.S. Supreme Court's Dolan Decision and What it Means for Environmental Mitigation in California, The Bay Echo (August 1994); Reinventing the California Environmental Quality Act, MBA StateLines (August 1994);Reinventing CEQA, Mortgage Finance (May 1994); Is a Little Reform Better Than None at All? BIA News (January 1994); The New Delta Protection Commission, California Land Use Law & Policy Reporter, February 1993.
