Law School
McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific, J.D., with honors, 1984
Law School Graduation Year
University of California at Davis, B.A., 1981
Member, Traynor Honor Society. Moot Court Honors. Author: Money for the Taking: When Land Use Regulation Goes Too Far, Hofstra Property Law Journal, Vol. 1, Spring, 1988. Co-Author: Land Use Initiatives and Referenda in California, (Solano Press), 1990, 1991; Ballot Box Navigator, (Solano Press), 2001; The Map Act Navigator: A Practical and Tactical Guide to the Subdivision Map Act, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. Adjunct Professor, Land Use Law, University of San Francisco School of Law, 1988-1993. Lecturer, Subdivision Map Act, Advanced CEQA, Planning Commissioners' Institute, Advanced Map Act, Exactions, Dedications, and Development Fees, Planning and Zoning Clinic, Land Use Initiatives and Referenda. University of California Extension Program, Davis, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, 1988—. Recipient, Outstanding Instructor Award, University of California at Davis Extension, 1992. Lecturer, Overview of California Land Use Law, League of California Cities Conferences. Northern California Legislative Co-Chair, Real Property Law Section, State Bar of California, 1992-1993. Listed in: The Best Lawyers in America, Best Lawyers Consumer Guide, 2001; Strathmore's Who's Who Registry of Business Leaders, 1996-1997 Registry.