Phillip A. Schaedler

Phillip A. Schaedler, Mediator

Toledo, Ohio 43460


Business, Child Custody, Construction, Contract, Co-Parenting, Divorce, Elder, Employment, Family, Guardianship, Landlord/Tenant, Medical Malpractice, Partnership Disputes, Personal Injury, Pet Mediation, Probate, Real Estate, Workplace

Phillip Schaedler began his legal career with the defense litigation law firm of Janes & Hall P.C. in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, representing local health care facilities, physicians, and financial institutions.  In 1984, Phil began a 20-year career in the health care and insurance industry representing some of the nation's leading community hospitals and health care systems as well as the world's oldest and fourth largest property and casualty insurance company.  He has been a national leader in the area of health care risk management and alternative risk finance, and at the forefront of the adoption and application of alternative dispute resolutio techniques in the health care industry. 

Phil is a former board member and chair of the Family Mediation Council - Michigan, the State Bar of Michigan Alternative Dispute Resolution Council, and the State Bar of Michigan Character and Fitness Committee for District H, and he currently serves on the State Bar of Michigan's Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee. 

He is a member in good standing of:

The State Bar of Michigan
The American Bar Association
The Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel

…..and he is a member, fellow, and former board member of the American Society of Health Care Risk Management.  He is also a certified professional healthcare risk manager and a member of MSHRM since 1984.

Phil's practice in Adrian, Michigan, centers on alternative dispute resolution in both general civil and domestic relations cases. He is a trained practitioner in the areas of facilitative and evaluative mediation and arbitration as well as collaborative law.

Areas of Practice

Our firm Schaedler & Lacasse, PC practices primarily in the areas of:

Family law
Municipal law
Land Use Planning
Criminal Defense
Alternative Dispute Resolution.

We have an extensive facilitative mediation and arbitration practice, focusing on

General civil
Family (including custody and parenting time)
Elder Care
Health care
Product liability
Insurance coverage
Medical malpractice
Personal Injury
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Land use issues 

Professional Services

Parenting Coordinator
Mediating Lawyer
Collaborative Professional

Education & Certifications

University of Toledo College of Law, J.D.
University of Toledo, M.A.
Michigan State University, B.S.
Certified Professional Healthcare Risk Manager (CPHRM)
SCAO Certified Divorce, Custody, and General Civil Mediator
Advanced Mediation Training in Business-to-Business Disputes
Certified Collaborative Law Practitioner
Certified USDA-FSA Meditator
Certified AFCC Parenting Coordinator

Professional Affiliations

State Bar of Michigan, ADR Section
American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section
Mediation Panel, Lenawee County Bar Association
Mediation Panel, Isabella County Bar Association
Mediation Panel, Shiawassee County Bar Association
Mediation Panel, Kalamazoo County Bar Association
American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, Director and Fellow
North Carolina Self-Insurance Guaranty Association
Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel
Michigan Council for Family and Divorce Mediation
Certified Autoline Arbitrator, Council of Better Business Bureaus
Approved Mediator, Construction Dispute Resolution Services, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

201 W. Maumee Street
Adrian, MI 49221

P; 517-263-2832
F: 517-262-2931