R. K. Pezold

Child Custody, Mediation
15 West Sixth Street, Suite 2800
Tulsa, Oklahoma 741195415

Child Custody


1975, Oklahoma

Law School

University of Tulsa, J.D., 1974

Law School Graduation Year



University of Virginia, B.S., 1967



Phi Delta Phi. Member: Raven Society; Order of the Curule Chair. Business Editor, Tulsa Law Journal, 1973-1974. Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, University of Tulsa School of Law, 1979-1981. Author: The Effective Use of ADR, 42 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 20-1 (1996); The ‘Industry Deal’ Among Oil and Gas Companies and The Federal Securities Acts, 16 Texas Tech Law Review 827, (1985); The Demise of the Statute of Limitations as an Antitrust Defense, 33 Oklahoma Law Review; The National Transport Safety Board--A Critical Review of Information Availability, 43 Journal of Air Law and Commerce; Computerized Legal Research--An Arrival, Tulsa Law Journal.
