Law School
University of Tulsa, J.D., 1974
Law School Graduation Year
University of Virginia, B.S., 1967
Phi Delta Phi. Member: Raven Society; Order of the Curule Chair. Business Editor, Tulsa Law Journal, 1973-1974. Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, University of Tulsa School of Law, 1979-1981. Author: The Effective Use of ADR, 42 Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute 20-1 (1996); The ‘Industry Deal’ Among Oil and Gas Companies and The Federal Securities Acts, 16 Texas Tech Law Review 827, (1985); The Demise of the Statute of Limitations as an Antitrust Defense, 33 Oklahoma Law Review; The National Transport Safety Board--A Critical Review of Information Availability, 43 Journal of Air Law and Commerce; Computerized Legal Research--An Arrival, Tulsa Law Journal.