Law School
Hastings College of the Law, University of California, San Francisco, J.D., 1992
Law School Graduation Year
University of Wisconsin-River Falls, B.F.A., special honors, 1980
Clark County Bar Association; State Bar of Nevada (Secretary, Executive Council, 2001—; Executive Council, 1998—; Family Law Section, 1992—).
Recipient: Art Department Coalition Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, 1979; William Clarke Sanford Scholarship, Hastings College of the Law, 1991-1992, 1990-1991; Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Grant, 1991-1992, 1990-1991, 1989-1990. Author, Note, Second Children Second Best? Equal Protection for Successive Families Under State Child Support Guidelines, 18 Hastings Const. L.Q. 881 (1991). Pro Tem Domestic Violence Commissioner, 1997—.