Rich Gordon

A Fair Way Mediation Center

Orange, California 92856


Annulment , Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Community Property Division, Divorce, Divorce Modification and Enforcement, Family, Legal Separation, LGTBQ, Military Divorce, Pet Mediation, Same Sex Disputes, Short Term Divorce, Spousal Support

A Fair Way Mediation Center offers a relaxed, compassionate atmosphere in an informal setting that encourages a calm and objective approach, that is safe and avoids the stress and embarrassment a courtroom proceeding can inject into any divorce or separation.  Whether traditional or same sex families, all couples are welcome.

Our Principal Mediator Richard Gordon, B.A., M.A. & J.D., is an experienced Mediator.  Mr.  Gordon works in all facets of alternate dispute resolution (ADR), with both individuals and organizations.  He brings a friendly approach that is conducive to cooperation.

A Fair Way Mediation offers a complete slate of mediation services, including:

  • Adoption
  • Family (other)
  • Divorce (parenting)
  • Child Custody
  • Commercial
  • Employment
  • General Mediation
  • Landlord-Tenant
  • Land Use
  • Probate
  • Religious/Church
  • Torts
  • Workplace

…….as well as additional professional services such as:

  • Arbitration
  • Communication Skills Training
  • Consensus Building
  • Counselling Services
  • Divorce Seminars
  • Fact Finding
  • Prenuptial Agreements

Since 1995, A Fair Way Mediation San Diego has been helping San Diego couples get through divorce issues, avoid large legal fees and complex courtroom procedures.  If you are considering a divorce, legal separation, have child custody or property disputes, A Fair Way Mediation San Diego offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere that permits fast and workable settlements.

A Fair Way Mediation San Diego is NOT an advocate for either party, nor do we make the decisions……..but we do help guide the process by listening and aiding each party to stay focused. 

A Fair Way Mediation San Diego has helped 100s of couples settle their divorces in a cost effective and mutually satisfying ways.  The average litigated divorce in San Diego is around $20,000 and can far exceed that.  With us it is rare to exceed $5,000.

With our San Diego divorce mediation services, we can help with issues that arise from: 

Here are some common mediation questions:  
1. How does Mediation save money?

Many couples have used divorce mediation because it minimizes the animosity and provides more control over the divorce process (you are a part of the solution). However, a primary factor why more people are seeking to use divorce mediation is because it saves them money.  Money that can be used for the children, or other family needs. 

2.  What are the costs of divorce mediation?

Divorce mediation can run from the hundreds to the low thousands, depending on the complexity of the issues involved and the level of disagreement between spouses.  It is rare to exceed $5000

3. What are the attorney costs for a litigated divorce?

Costs can go sky high.  Each party usually pays their own attorney a retainer of at least $5000, and fees go up from there. The average litigated divorce in San Diego costs $20,000.  It is not unheard of for fees to far exceed that.

4.  Can you Pay As You Go?

Yes, in most divorce mediations, you pay for each mediation at the time of the session.  You also pay for document preparation of court papers beforehand, but with a small retainer at the beginning to cover costs that arise between sessions, you can proceed with the divorce at a pace your finances allow.  

5.  Is there a Shared Cost, and how does it differ from litigation?

Usually, each party splits the cost of the mediation, but the decisions on cost are individual to each family as to how they handle matter such as this.  With litigated divorces, one party can force deadlines for discovery and hearings, or delay the process and ultimately driving the other party's cost upwards.

6. What about Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative Divorce involves professionals from several disciplines, that include psychologists; mediators; accountants; financial planners; lawyers and vocational evaluators. In some cases all of these specialists are necessary, and In other situations the issues do not need input from each one.  Because of this the costs on a collaborative divorce can often be higher than Mediation alone.

A Fair Way Mediation Center

600 West Broadway, 7th Floor

San Diego, California 92101

Phone: 619-702-9174



1/25/2013 6:18:57 PM
Description: Same sex couples, be they Domestic Partners or Married, can significantly benefit from using Mediation as a way of legally ending their relationships and create all of the divorce documents required by the courts. The contract between the parties