Richard C. Hsu

Intellectual Property, Mediation
379 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, California 943011431

Intellectual Property


1994, California

Law School

Columbia University School of Law, J.D., 1994

Law School Graduation Year



California Institute of Technology, B.S., with honors, EE 1989, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu


Los Angeles County and American Bar Associations; American Intellectual Property Law Association; Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).


Author: A Guide to Self-Patenting, Fairchild Press (1997); Books Have Endured for a Reason..., New York Times, May 25, 1997 at F12; Bullish on L.A. Tech Companies, Los Angeles Business Journal, May 26, 1997 at 67; Need Money for Research? Try Investing, NY Times, September 29, 1996 at F12; From the Research Laboratories the next Bill Gates is Born, International Legal Strategy, V-8 (1996). Director, Technology Transfer Roundtable. Member: Executive Committee for the Caltech-MIT Enterprise Forum; Advisory Board for Pasadena Biomedical Committee; Southern California Biomedical Council. (Resident)
