Richard J. Ferris Jr.

Environmental, Mediation
1350 I Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, District of Columbia 200053311



1996, Massachusetts; 1998, District of Columbia

Law School

Duke University, J.D., 1994; Duke University, LL.M., Comp. & Int'l Legal Studies, 1994

Law School Graduation Year



Clark University, B.A., 1984; George Washington University, M.A., E. Asian Studies, with distinction


The District of Columbia Bar (Co-Chair, International Law Section, Steering Committee, 2003—); American Bar Association (Chair, Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, International Environmental Law Committee, 2002—; Advisor, ABA China Environmental Governance Training Project); Inter-Pacific and International Bar Associations; Hong Kong Environmental Law Association; Professional Association for China's Environment (Member, Board of Directors).


Editor and Articles Editor, Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law , 1992-1994. Co-Author: Reaching Out to the Rule of Law: China's Continuing Efforts to Develop an Effective Environmental Law Regime, 11 William & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 569 (2003); The Challenges of Reforming an Environmental Legal Culture: Assessing the Status Quo and Looking at Post-WTO Admission Challenges for The People's Republic of China, 14 Georgetown Int'l Envtl. L. Rev. 429 (2002). Member: American Society of International Law, 1992—; IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, 1999—; Chair, United States Council for International Business China and Environment Task Force, 1999—; Editorial Advisor, China Environmental Review, 1999—.
