Law School
John Marshall Law School, J.D., cum laude, 1965
Law School Graduation Year
University of Michigan
Illinois State and American (Member, Sections on: Real Property, Probate and Trust Law) Bar Associations; American Planning Association.
Lambda Alpha (Ely Chapter). Land Economics Honorary. Author: The Public Hearing In Federal and State Legislations, 21 Administrative Law Review 165, 1966; What Does It Take To Organize a Successful Urban Renewal Bond Issue Referendum? 3 Journal of Housing 142, 1967; A Zoning Ordinance Is No Better Than Its Administration—A Platitude Proved, 1 John Marshall Journal 74, 1968; Riot, Ruin or Rebirth? Financing Community Improvement in Illinois, 56 Illinois Bar Journal 488, 1968; Restraining Restraints . . . And Courts, 57 Illinois Bar Journal 884; Dissent, the Streets and Permits: Chicago as Microcosm, 2 Urban Lawyer 350, 1969; Reluctant Witnesses and Zoning Experts: Zoning is Planning, 1 University of Illinois, 1971; The Extension of Judicial Policy: Zoning Practice and Exhaustion of Remedies, 3 John Marshall Journal 44, 1971; ‘Standing' to Contest Local Zoning Decisions, Institute on Planning & Zoning, University of Illinois, 1972; Lower Income Housing: The Planners Response, ASPO, 1972; County Growth Management Regulation, University of Illinois, 1979; Limitations on Land Use Control Powers, IICLE Illinois Land Use Law, 1985; Honor Thy Father and Mother-The Elderly Housing NIMBY, University of Illinois, 1987; Sign Regulation in Illinois: The Constitutional Issues, 80 Illinois Bar Journal 458, 1992. Winner, Annual Lincoln Award, Legal Writing Competition, Illinois State Bar, 1968. Zoning Laws Consultant, Zoning Laws Study Commission of Illinois General Assembly, 1971. Counsel: Governor's Commission on Urban Area Government, 1972; Legislative Advisory Committee to Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, 1971-1972; County Problems Commission, State of Illinois, 1973. Legal Consultant, State of Illinois Coastal Zone Management Program, 1974-1979.