1964, California; 1975, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Law School
Southwestern University, J.D., 1963
Law School Graduation Year
University of California at Los Angeles, B.A., 1959
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County (Member: Executive Committee, Family Law Section, 1992-1993; Judicial Liaison Committee, 1992-1993) and American (Member, Professionalism Committee of the Family Law Section, 1993; Family Law and Litigation Sections, 1975—) Bar Associations; State Bar of California. The Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
Adjunct Professor of Law, Pepperdine University School of Law, 1988-1996, Advanced Family Law. Lecturer: Family Law Program, Continuing Education of the Bar, University of California, 1980; University of California at Los Angeles Extension Seminar, Family Law Concerns of Individuals in the Entertainment Industry, 1983. Guest Speaker and Lecturer Alaska State Bar Association: Premarital Agreements, Preparation and Enforceability from the Office to the Court Room, June, 1986. Referee, State Bar Courts, 1969-1986. Member, Family Law Mediation Program, Los Angeles Superior Court, 1981-2000. Panelist: Negotiating to Settlement in Divorce Sponsored by Harcourt Brace, Jovanovich, Publishers, 1985; An Evening with the Masters, Beverly Hills Bar Association, 1996. Speaker: California Society of CPA'S Litigation Consulting Conference Subject: Executive and Celebrity Goodwill, 1990; California Society of CPA's, Celebrity Goodwill, 1993-1996; Century City Bar Association, Family Law Aspects of The Music Business, 1994; Entertainment Law Conference; California CPA Education Foundation, 1996 Entertainment Industry Conference. Co-Author: Valuing a Law Practice in Divorce, Los Angeles Lawyer, March, 1995; Co-Authored with Marcy Kenerson New Mate Income, State Bar Family News, Volume 17, No 4 (Winter), 1995. Listed in Los Angeles County's Top 50 Litigators of 1999, L.A. Business Journal.