Law School
Yale University, J.D., 1977
Law School Graduation Year
Stanford University, B.S.E.E., 1972; Balliol College, Oxford University, Oxford, England, B.Phil. Ec
The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (Chair, Task Force on Litigation Reform, 1992-1993); The Missouri Bar; American Bar Association (Member, Sections on: Litigation; Science and Technology).
Phi Beta Kappa; Tau Beta Pi. Editor-in-Chief, Yale Law Journal, 1976-1977. Rhodes Scholar. Adjunct Professor: Washington University School of Law, 1985-1987; St. Louis University School of Law, 1986-1989. Law Clerk to: Justice William H. Rehnquist, U.S. Supreme Court, 1978-1979; Hon. Harold Leventhal, U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 1977-1978. Attorney-Advisor, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice, 1979-1980. Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Missouri, 1980-1985. Police Commissioner, City of St. Louis, 1994-1998. Member, 1994-1997 and Chair, 1995-1997, Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group, Eastern District of Missouri. Member, District Judge Education Advisory Committee for the Federal Judicial Center, 2001—.