1981, Ohio; 1982, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit and U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; 1984, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit; 1985, U.S. Supreme Court; 1993, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
Law School
University of Toledo, J.D., magna cum laude, 1981
Law School Graduation Year
University of Notre Dame, B.S., with honors, 1978
Phi Kappa Phi. Executive Editor, The University of Toledo Law Review, 1980-1981. Author: Disparate Impact Analysis in the Mortgage Lending Context, 115 Banking L.J. 900 (1998); Fair Housing Cases: The Effect of Ohio's Tort Reform Act, 12 Ohio Lawyer 12 (Jan./Feb. 1998); Application of the Federal Fair Housing Act to Homeowners Insurance, Chapter 2 of Insurance Redlining: Disinvestment, Reinvestment and the Evolving Role of Financial Institutions (1997); Eliminating the Labyrinth: A Proposal to Simplify Federal Mortgage Lending Discrimination Laws, 26 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 527 (1993); Federal Enforcement of the Fair Lending, Equal Credit Opportunity, and Community Reinvestment Laws in the 1980's, Chapter XVI of One Nation, Indivisible, A Report of the Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights. (1989); Ordered Liberty and Self Restraint: The Judicial Philosophy of the Second Justice Harlan, 51 University of Cincinnati Law Review 545, 1982. Law Clerk to Hon. Pierce Lively, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, 1981-1982. Judge Pro Tempore, Perrysburg Municipal Court, 1990—. Chairman, Human Rights Commission of the Diocese of Toledo, 1991-1993.