1958, New Jersey; U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit; U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
Hamilton College, Honorary Doctorate in Law, 1995; New York University Law School, LL.B., 1957; University of Virginia, LL.M., 1988
Law School Graduation Year
Hamilton College, B.A., 1954
Justice, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1979-1999. Counsel to NJ Gov. Brendan T. Byrne, 1978-1979. State Commission of Investigation, 1976-1978. Commissioner of the NJ Department of Public Utilities, 1974-1976. Assistant U.S. Attorney, Newark, NJ, 1958-1960. Chairman, NJ Supreme Court Committee on Rules of Professional Conduct, 1991—. Member: Board of Trustees of the Law Center Foundation at New York University Law School; Chairman of the National Center on State Courts' Council on Care of the Dying: Staying Out of the Courts.