1988 Maryland; 1989, U.S. District Court, District of Maryland; registered to practice before U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. (Not admitted in New Jersey)
Law School
University of Baltimore, J.D., 1988
Law School Graduation Year
State University of New York at Buffalo, B.S. Pharmacy, 1982
Princeton and American Bar Associations; Maryland State Bar Association, Inc.; New Jersey Intellectual Property Law Association; American Intellectual Property Law Association; New Jersey Patent Law Association; Baltimore Intellectual Property Law Association.
Sigma Delta Kappa (Chaplain, 1988). Recipient: American Jurisprudence Award for Excellence in Patents, Trademarks & Technology; Naval Weapons Center Award. Licensed Pharmacist, New York. Author: The Federal Common Law of Patent Licensing, Law Forum, University of Baltimore, Winter, 1988. Chemical Patent Counsel, United States Navy Office of General Counsel, Naval Air Warfard Center, Weapons Division, China Lake, California, 1989-1994. (Resident)