Susan K. Sloane

Weymouth, Massachusetts 02188


Alimony, Business, Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Contract, Co-Parenting, Divorce, Elder, Family

I have been practicing law for more than 40 years and am a certified mediator in Massachusetts. I believe strongly in the value of mediation as an alternative to litigation, especially in situations where the parties to the dispute will have an ongoing personal or business relationship. Having seen first-hand the time, money and stress involved in litigating a dispute, I strongly advise clients to avoid filing suit if at all possible.

I am a member of the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation, the Association for Conflict Resolution, the Massachusetts Bar Association, and the Massachusetts Women's Bar Association. I am a member of the Board of Directors of the International Academy of Dispute Resolution, which promotes mediation worldwide by training students throughout the world in the methods of peaceful resolution of disputes. I have coached the Boston University Mock Mediation team and the Northeastern University School of Law Mock Mediation Team to train students in the benefits of mediation.

I provide mediation and collaborative law services to help my clients resolve their conflicts with a minimum of time, expense and stress. My experience over the years has convinced me that many disputes are better resolved without resorting to litigation. Mediation and collaborative law each provide a respectful and cooperative process which leads to more successful and longer-lasting agreements than can usually be achieved through litigation. Client satisfaction is usually much greater with agreements crafted by the parties themselves than with a judgment imposed on them by a court.

In both mediation and collaborative law, you don't waste time waiting to be heard in court. Because the parties agree to work cooperatively and share information, you also don't waste money on "discovery" battles where each side tries to pry information out of the other. The informal, respectful proceedings greatly reduce the stress level for all concerned.

Most importantly, you are in control of the entire process. You decide with the other party when and how often meetings will be held. You decide when a proposed Agreement satisfies your needs; you don't have to sign anything until you are ready. You decide whether or not to continue the mediation or collaborative process. If you are unhappy with the processs, you may walk away at any time.

Mediation. Mediation provides an informal, cooperative, respectful way to resolve a dispute. I am a certified mediator who will meet with you and the other party to the dispute in an informal setting to help you talk about the issues, brainstorm solutions, and craft an Agreement that resolves the conflict to your satisfaction.

In Mediation, I act as an impartial neutral. I do not represent either party as counsel and I do not give legal advice. My role is to help you explore all your options and brainstorm creative solutions to your problems. I can also help you find other professionals (lawyers, accountants, financial planners, etc.) who will help you evaluate your options. I recommend in most instances that each party retain his or her own counsel to review any final Agreement before signing it.

I will not make any decisions for you. You remain in control of the entire process, deciding how quickly to proceed and whether or not to accept any draft Agreement.

Collaborative Law. In the collaborative process, I act as your attorney and I will represent you and your interests to the best of my abilities, keeping in mind that we are trying to avoid the time, expense and stress of litigation. I will give you legal advice, help you determine your options, and advocate for you. We will work cooperatively with opposing counsel and the other party in an effort to achieve a fair settlement that meets the needs of both parties without the threat of resorting to litigation. The costs of hiring accountants, parenting coordinators, and other experts are shared, not duplicated. If we are unable to reach an agreement, opposing counsel and I will both withdraw and allow you to hire new counsel to litigate the matter.

9 Meade Avenue Unit 1
Hull, MA. 02045 

Phone: 781-374-2168

A Divorce Mediator Reveals Her No. 1 Piece of Advice
11/20/2020 6:22:55 PM