Terrance A. Turner

Real Estate, Mediation
1500 West 33rd Avenue, Suite 200
Anchorage, Alaska 995033502

Real Estate


1974, Alaska, U.S. District Court, District of Alaska, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; 1976, U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; 1980, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

Seton Hall University, J.D., with honors, 1974

Law School Graduation Year



Oregon State University, B.S. Elect. Engr., with honors, 1968; Columbia University, M.S. Elect. Engr


Anchorage, Alaska and American Bar Associations; Defense Research Institute.


Eta Kappa Nu: Member, Seton Hall University Law Review, 1971-1973. Listed in: Best Lawyers in America, Woodward & White, 1995. Author: Intoxicating Liquors—Increasing the Liability of New Jersey Taverns: Where to Draw the Line? 3 Seton Hall Law Review 233, 1971; The Vexing Problem of the Purely Economic Loss in Products Liability: An Injury in Search of a Remedy, 4 Seton Hall Law Review 145, 1972; reprinted in Personal Injury Commentator, Vol. XVI, No. 2, at 73, Callaghan Company, 1973. Co-Author: The Patent Practitioner Attains Majority: An Examination of the Attorney-Client Privilege and Work Product Rule as They Pertain to the Patent Attorney and Agent, 4 Seton Hall Law Review 531, 1973. Clerk for Alaska Supreme Court, 1974.
