Terry Cole

Government, Mediation
301 South Bronough Street, Fifth Floor
Tallahassee, Florida 32301



1971, Florida, U.S. District Court, Northern, Middle and Southern Districts of Florida and U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth and Eleventh Circuits; 1977, U.S. Supreme Court

Law School

Florida State University, J.D., 1970

Law School Graduation Year



Florida State University, B.A., 1967


The Florida Bar (Member, Sections on: Environmental and Land Use Law; Administrative and Governmental Law; Natural Resources); Leon County Water Resources Committee (Vice-Chairman; Chairman, Board of Emergency Care Help Organization).


Delta Theta Phi. Author: Chapter 6, State and Federal Regulation of Construction Activities in the Waters and Wetlands of Florida, Florida Environmental and Land Use Law, The Florida Bar, 1986, 1988, 1991; Practice before Environmental Licensing Agencies, 2d Ed., Florida Administrative Practice, 1981 and 1989, and Water Quality Discharge Permitting, 1997; Groundwater and Practice Regulation; Total Maximum Daily Loads in Florida, 1999, 2002; NPDES Permitting,; Florida Environmental Law Treatise, 1999, 2002. Enforcement Administrator, 1974-1977, Deputy General Counsel, 1977-1979, General Counsel, 1979-1981 and Assistant Secretary, 1981-1985, Florida Department of Environmental Regulation.


1st Lt., U.S. Army, 1970-1971