W. Earl Touchstone

Public Policy, Mediation
600 Travis, Suite 4200
Houston, Texas 77002

Public Policy


1987, Texas

Law School

Baylor University, J.D., cum laude, 1987

Law School Graduation Year



Baylor University, B.B.A., with honors, 1984


Houston Bar Association (Member: Litigation Section; Scholarship Committee); State Bar of Texas (Chairman, Grievance Committee); Texas Bar Foundation; Texas Young Lawyers Association (Member: Legislative Committee, 1995-1996; Minority Involvement Committee, 1995-1997; Member, 1996-1998 and Vice Chairman, 1996-1998, State Moot Court Competition Committee); Houston Bar Foundation; Houston Young Lawyers Association (Co-Chair, Task Force Houston); Texas Association of Defense Counsel.


Phi Delta Phi. Member, Order of the Barristers. Member, Baylor Law Review, 1986-1987. Member: Houston Volunteer Lawyers Pro Bono Program, 1991—; College of the State Bar of Texas, 1995.
