Law School
University of Michigan, J.D., 1937
Law School Graduation Year
Wittenberg College, A.B., 1934
Cincinnati (Chairman, Committee on Housing, Urban Development and Land Planning Law, 1971-1973), Ohio State and American (Member, Civil Rights and Responsibilities Section, 1968-1973) Bar Associations; American Judicature Society; National Bar Association; Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati
Awarded: LL.D., Wilberforce University, 1963; LL.D., University of Cincinnati, 1971; LH.D., Wittenberg University, 1972; LL.D., University of Michigan, 2002. Visiting Lecturer on Law: University of Cincinnati, 1963-1972; Salmon P. Chase College of Law, 1965-1972. Author: Loitering Ordinances, NIMLO Municipal Law Review, Vol. 34B, 1970; Environment of Fear, Report No. 155, 1970 on Urban Violence Problems, National Institute Municipal Law Officers; Modern Concepts of Police Power and Eminent Domain, Ninth Institute on Eminent Domain, The Southwestern Legal Foundation, 1969; An Age of Dramatic Dimensions, Ohio Cities and Villages, Ohio Municipal League, June and July, 1968, Vol. 16. Editor, Fraternal Law, 1982—. City Solicitor, City of Cincinnati, 1963-1972. Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio, 1975-1976. Fellow, American Bar Foundation.