William O. Ferron Jr.

Intellectual Property, Mediation
701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 6300
Seattle, Washington 981047092

Intellectual Property


1981, Washington; registered to practice before U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Law School

University of Washington, J.D., 1981

Law School Graduation Year



University of Dayton, B.C.E., cum laude, 1978


Washington State Bar Association; Computer Law Association.


Tau Beta Pi. Lecturer on Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, University of Washington, 1986-1995. Listed in: Best Lawyers in Seattle, Seattle Magazine, 1997; Seattle Super Lawyer issue, Washington Law & Politics Magazine, 1998; Best Lawyers in America, 1991-1998. Author: (Rossman Award Winner) On-Line Copyright Issues, Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, Vol. 79, Nos. 1-2, 1997; The Patent/Copyright Interface: Protecting Software Methods, Ideas, Systems, and Sequences, Software Law Journal, Vol. IV, No. 3, p.377, 1991; Copyright Law Developments - Case Law Trends, Pacific Rim Computer Law Institute, Seattle, Washington, June, 1991; Protecting the Look and Feel of Computer Software, Pacific Rim Computer Law Institute, 1988. Director, Washington Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, 1984-1987. Past-President, Washington State Patent Law Association, 1986-1987.
